Seit über 30 Jahren   -   for more than 30 years   -   plus de 30 ans

Welcome on our website

As a family run mid-sized company we are specialized in custom-made solutions for the heat treatment industry and handling of various kind of materials

From the idea to the solution

It begins with an idea: Our customers appreciate this kind of partner-like cooperation, which is characterized by support, innovation and flexibility.

Flexible modification requests can be implemented with the tool Autodesk Inventor. Useful experiences and synergy effects for all different solutions obviously will be passed on.

A completely equipped fabrication, electro mechanical design including switchboard construction and the close relation to our customers are key factors for successful projects.

You are always welcome. At KOTTMANN, we are open minded, doors are open, we have a flat hierarchy and ways not far - not even to Ehingen. When do we meet us?